2022 BAS Annual General Meeting
We will be holding our BAS Annual General Meeting at 5:30pm after the Launch of the COC. Besides the President’s & Treasurer’s reports, we will be nominating the following positions this year: Vice-President, Secretary, Assistant Treasurer, 2 Committee Members, 2 Honorary Auditors.
Date: Wednesday 29 June 2022
Time: 5:30pm via Zoom
We would like to express our appreciation to these outgoing office bearers for their dedicated services:
Since 2019 (due to a change in the constitution last year, they had to stay an extra year):
- Vice-President Dr Tessy Joseph
- Secretary Dr Sheela Reuben
- Assistant Treasurer Mr Lim Junji
- Committee Member Dr Rajkumar Ramamoorthy
- Committee Member Dr Vernon Seow
Since 2021:
- Honorary Auditor Ms Cheryl Chan
- Honorary Auditor Ms Komathi Paramasivam
Please register for the AGM and Nominate new office bearers at: tinyurl.com/2022BASAGM
After registration, a Zoom link will be sent to you.